A recent incident highlights the concerns of vegetarian customers ordering from mixed-vegetarian and non-vegetarian restaurants through delivery platforms. Pankaj Shukla, a vegetarian and a religious individual, ordered a paneer biryani from PK Biryani House in Karve Nagar, Pune. To his dismay, he found a piece of chicken in his dish, which he shared on the social platform X (formerly Twitter), stating his religious sentiments were hurt. This isn’t the first time Zomato has faced similar issues. In March, another customer complained on X (formerly Twitter) about receiving chicken instead of a vegetarian dish. Zomato apologized and asked for the customer’s contact details to investigate.

Zomato’s Response

Zomato, the delivery platform used for the order, quickly responded to Shukla’s complaint. They emphasized their commitment to respecting customer sentiments and asked for his order details so they could investigate further.

Refund and Customer Feedback

While Shukla received a refund, he shared that the incident had still hurt his religious beliefs. Other users advised ordering only from “pure veg” restaurants to avoid similar incidents.

Similar Incidents Reported

This is not an isolated case. Earlier this year, a woman on an Air India flight from Kozhikode to Mumbai found chicken in her vegetarian meal, raising similar concerns about meal handling and respect for dietary restrictions.

Food Quality Concerns

Food quality concerns often arise on delivery platforms. In another incident, a woman found a cockroach in her ramen from Auntie Fung’s. Her post went viral, with many people discussing food safety and quality control in the industry.

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