An old video of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt with the late actress Jiah Khan has resurfaced online, creating a significant buzz on social media. The footage, reportedly from 2004, shows a 16-year-old Jiah sharing a close moment with Bhatt, laughing and interacting in a manner that many found unsettling. As the video quickly gained traction, it reignited debates about Bollywood’s power dynamics and relationships, sparking intense discussions across various platforms. Shoaib Ibrahim Reacts To His Sister, Saba Ibrahim’s First Pregnancy Announcement
Viral Video Resurfaces Amid Sushant Singh Rajput’s Death Investigation
The video resurfaced in the wake of the ongoing investigation into the mysterious death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Following Sushant’s untimely demise in June 2020, several old Bollywood videos and interactions started making rounds on social media. Among them was this particular clip featuring Mahesh Bhatt and Jiah Khan, which rapidly went viral.
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Many netizens speculated about Bhatt’s alleged involvement in the case, particularly due to his known association with Sushant’s girlfriend, Rhea Chakraborty. Previously, a WhatsApp chat between Rhea and Bhatt had surfaced, in which she expressed her gratitude for his support during her breakup with Sushant. This connection led to further scrutiny of Bhatt’s relationships within the industry and raised questions about his influence on young actresses like Jiah Khan.
Jiah Khan’s Connection to Mahesh Bhatt
Jiah Khan made her Bollywood debut in 2007 with Ram Gopal Varma’s Nishabd, in which she starred opposite Amitabh Bachchan. However, according to unconfirmed reports, she was initially considered for the 2004 film Tumsa Nahin Dekha, produced by Mahesh Bhatt’s brother, Mukesh Bhatt. While Jiah eventually did not star in the film, her association with Bhatt and his production house remained a topic of speculation.
The resurfaced video has reignited conversations about Jiah’s professional and personal interactions with Mahesh Bhatt, adding fuel to the ongoing controversy. Some social media users have questioned the nature of their relationship, while others have pointed out the industry’s long-standing power imbalances that often place young actresses in vulnerable situations.
Mahesh Bhatt Faces Social Media Backlash
At the time of the video’s reappearance, Mahesh Bhatt was already facing severe criticism for his alleged role in promoting nepotism in Bollywood. His association with Rhea Chakraborty intensified public outrage, especially as the debate around Bollywood’s favoritism culture gained momentum after Sushant’s death. Bhatt became one of the primary figures targeted by online trolls, with many accusing him of being a central figure in the industry’s alleged exploitative environment.
Additionally, his film Sadak 2, which starred his daughters Alia Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt alongside Sanjay Dutt and Aditya Roy Kapur, became a symbol of Bollywood nepotism for many netizens. The film’s trailer received massive backlash, ranking among the top three most disliked videos globally. A social media campaign to boycott Sadak 2 gained traction, and the film, which was released on an OTT platform on August 28, 2020, faced relentless criticism from viewers and critics alike.
Jiah Khan’s Tragic Demise and the Ongoing Legal Battle
Jiah Khan was found dead under suspicious circumstances in her Mumbai apartment on June 3, 2013. While her death was initially ruled as a suicide, subsequent investigations revealed several disturbing details. Actor Sooraj Pancholi, her boyfriend at the time, was accused of abetment to suicide. Jiah’s mother, Rabia Khan, has consistently alleged that Sooraj and his father, actor Aditya Pancholi, used their influence to cover up the truth behind Jiah’s death.
Rabia Khan has actively sought justice for her daughter, maintaining that Jiah was murdered and did not take her own life. The case remains one of Bollywood’s most controversial legal battles, with numerous twists and turns over the years. In April 2023, a special CBI court acquitted Sooraj Pancholi due to a lack of evidence, a verdict that Rabia Khan continues to challenge in higher courts.
The Bigger Picture: Power, Exploitation, and Accountability in Bollywood
The resurfacing of Mahesh Bhatt’s video with Jiah Khan has reignited broader discussions about the dynamics of power, exploitation, and accountability in the Bollywood industry. While some argue that the video is being taken out of context, others believe it reflects deeper issues within the film industry, including the treatment of young, aspiring actresses.
Bollywood has long been under scrutiny for its culture of favoritism, lack of opportunities for outsiders, and the alleged mistreatment of struggling artists. The tragic cases of Sushant Singh Rajput and Jiah Khan have only intensified these concerns, pushing audiences and industry insiders to demand greater transparency and ethical responsibility.
As this controversy unfolds, one thing remains certain: the internet never forgets. With old videos and past incidents continuously coming to light, Bollywood is being forced to confront its past, raising critical questions about the industry’s future and the need for systemic change.