The viral video of Virender Sehwag and his wife, Aarti Ahlawat, allegedly having a heated argument in their car has been the subject of much speculation, especially in light of their recent separation rumors. While the video shows a tense moment between the couple, with Sehwag on a call and Aarti visibly upset, there’s no audio to provide further context, leading many to question its authenticity.
Some netizens believe the video to be genuine, expressing concern over the couple’s relationship. However, others suspect the video may be AI-generated, pointing out inconsistencies like multiple cameramen appearing in the frame. These mixed reactions reflect the uncertainty surrounding the clip’s veracity.
As for their relationship, rumors of a separation started gaining traction when the couple unfollowed each other on social media and were seen apart during recent public events, like Diwali. An insider mentioned that they have been living separately for over a year, but no official confirmation has been made by Sehwag or Aarti.
While the video adds fuel to the rumors, it remains unclear whether it is authentic or digitally altered. It’s important to note that both Sehwag and Aarti have maintained privacy about their personal lives, leaving fans to speculate based on limited information.
If you want a deeper dive into this situation or a full video breakdown, you could consider creating a video or a follow-up post with more context or analysis, focusing on the potential impact of such rumors on public figures.