King Charles III, accompanied by his wife Camilla, has embarked on a significant yet low-key visit to Bengaluru, India. This marks the British monarch’s first trip to the city as king, though he had previously visited multiple times as the Prince of Wales. The couple has been in Bengaluru since October 27, undergoing wellness treatments at the Soukya International Holistic Health Centre (SIHC) in Whitefield.

A Secret Visit to the Garden City of India

King Charles and Camilla were on a secret four-day trip to Bengaluru. Here is why

The visit, cloaked in secrecy, involved no formal reception from the Karnataka state government, nor any public traffic restrictions upon their arrival. The royal couple flew directly from Samoa, following their participation in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting between October 21 and 26. They landed at the HAL airport and proceeded privately to Whitefield.

Why Soukya International Holistic Health Centre?

Located in Whitefield’s Samethanahalli, the SIHC was founded by Dr. Issac Mathai and Dr. Suja Issac and specializes in traditional and holistic treatments. The center offers a variety of therapies, including Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupressure, Yoga, Homeopathy, and other alternative practices. King Charles has reportedly visited SIHC nine times before and even has a dedicated staff to attend to him during each stay.

Wellness Routine for King Charles and Camilla

During their stay, the couple engaged in several wellness practices designed to rejuvenate the body and mind. Some highlights include:

  • Morning Yoga Sessions: Early yoga sessions to start the day on a refreshing note.
  • Therapy Sessions and Meditation: Regular therapies and meditative practices were reportedly part of their wellness regime.
  • Cuisine and Recreation: They enjoyed the specially prepared meals within the SIHC campus and took long, relaxing walks around the grounds.

Past Visits and Significance

Charles’ longstanding connection with SIHC is highlighted by his history of visits and the fact that he celebrated his 71st birthday there. After Queen Elizabeth II’s passing in 2022, Charles became the new king, and this visit as a monarch holds symbolic significance, bridging his past connections with the city and his new role as the British king

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