Rakhi Sawant Confirms Relationship With Pakistani Actor Dodi Khan, Plans To Marry: Bollywood actress Rakhi Sawant has confirmed her relationship with Pakistani actor and police officer Dodi Khan, revealing that she is planning to marry him soon. The actress, who has been no stranger to the media spotlight and numerous marriage rumors, spoke candidly about her personal life in an exclusive interview with News18 Showsha on Tuesday. Kabir Khan Trolled By Muslim Community For Visiting Mahakumbh Mela
Rakhi, known for her bold and unfiltered nature, shared that she and Dodi are deeply in love with each other. “He is my love. We love each other. He is from Pakistan, and I am from India, so we will have a love marriage,” she expressed, openly declaring her feelings for the man who has won her heart.
This will mark Rakhi’s third marriage. Her previous marriage to Adil Khan, which ended in 2023, was highly publicized. Rakhi accused Adil of infidelity and being involved in extramarital affairs, which led to her filing a police complaint. Adil was arrested from Rakhi’s residence in February 2023 and spent five months in jail before being released.
Before Adil, Rakhi was married to Ritesh Raj Singh, a relationship that garnered significant attention when the couple appeared together on Bigg Boss 15. However, their relationship ended shortly after the show concluded in February 2022. Rakhi publicly announced their separation, citing issues she was unaware of and acknowledging that they had tried to make their differences work, but ultimately decided to part ways amicably.
Now, with a new relationship blossoming with Dodi Khan, Rakhi seems determined to leave the past behind and embrace a fresh chapter in her love life. Fans of the actress are eagerly watching to see how this new relationship unfolds and what lies ahead for the couple.
As Rakhi gears up for her upcoming marriage, it appears that the actress is excited to embark on a journey of love with Dodi, hoping for a happier, more peaceful future with her new partner. The news has already created a buzz among her followers, and they are excited to see what this new chapter brings for the controversial and much-loved Bollywood personality.