Renowned television personality Martha Stewart recently shared her candid opinion about actor Ryan Reynolds during an appearance on Bilt Rewards’ Rent Free game show. When asked about celebrities who are more fun to hang out with, Stewart surprisingly excluded Reynolds, stating, “He’s not so funny in real life. No, he’s not so funny. He’s very serious.”

Ryan Reynolds claps back at Martha Stewart for calling him ‘not so funny’

Reynolds Responds with Humor

Ryan Reynolds, known for his quick wit and comedic timing, took to X to respond to Stewart’s comments. He jokingly acknowledged her assessment but added a humorous twist, suggesting that Stewart might be a formidable opponent in a physical challenge: “I’d disagree with her. But I tried that once. The woman is unexpectedly spry. She really closed the gap after a mile or so.”   

Stewart’s Rationale

While Stewart admitted that Reynolds is a talented actor capable of delivering comedic performances, she expressed doubts about his off-screen personality. She pointed out that his humorous on-screen persona might be a result of skillful acting rather than genuine comedic flair.

Despite her less-than-flattering remarks, Stewart did acknowledge Reynolds’s acting abilities, recognizing his talent for portraying funny characters. However, she maintained her stance that his off-screen personality is more serious than his comedic roles might suggest.

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