This recent threat against Bollywood star Salman Khancomes just two days after Mumbai Police apprehended a 20-year-old man from Noida, Uttar Pradesh, for allegedly issuing similar death threats to both Salman Khan and NCP leader Zeeshan Siddique. According to an official from Mumbai’s Nirmal Nagar Police Station, the accused initially sent a threatening message to Siddique’s helpline number, followed by a voice call, warning both Siddique and Salman Khan.
This incident reportedly occurred on Friday, and authorities promptly registered a case on Monday. Utilizing technical evidence, they tracked and apprehended the suspect in Noida, with plans to bring him to Mumbai for further investigation. The call was made to Siddique’s public relations office in Bandra East, intensifying the concern for the safety of those involved.
The threats against Bollywood actor Salman Khan have intensified, with recent incidents involving suspected connections to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. This escalation follows the tragic murder of Baba Siddique, a former MLA and father of NCP leader Zeeshan Siddique. The elder Siddique was fatally shot outside his son’s Bandra office on October 12, with the Bishnoi gang reportedly citing his close association with Salman Khan as a contributing factor to the killing. Zeeshan Siddique shared in an interview that after his father’s death, Salman has been particularly concerned about his safety.
Adding to these tensions, the Mumbai Police recently arrested a man from Jamshedpur for issuing a threat to Salman Khan in the name of Lawrence Bishnoi. The suspect had demanded a ransom of ₹5 crore from Khan, sending the message to Mumbai Traffic Police’s control room on October 18. Interestingly, just days later, on October 21, the same sender issued an apology, claiming the threat message was “sent by mistake.”
Mumbai Police, coordinating with local authorities in Jamshedpur, swiftly apprehended the suspect, who is now being brought to Mumbai for further investigation. These incidents mark a troubling series of threats, highlighting the ongoing security risks surrounding Salman Khan.